WRC rally Croatia 2024 - day three
20. April 2024, Novigrad na Dobri
In memoriam Alena Krejčíková 1983-2024
We got a new member in the last minute, my sister. I officoaly involved my whole family in rally! THe day started out great. We left very early for
SS 11+15 - Vinski Vrh - Duga Resa and we found a spor right before square left turn at the bridge. It is quite a beatiful place, suprised me very much.
They would't let us past the ridge
as "cars are gonna pass" in 30 minutes. Okay, it is what it is. We can move later anyways, but we decided to stay and move ru+ight to the bidge.
There was a lot of crowd and taking pictures proved to be quite challenging. But I didn't let that deter me and I took some good photos, best ones so far in my opinion.
When the round finished we found a nice picnic spot and some friends!
For the second pass, as I mentioned earlier, we stood closest to the bridge as they would let us. The plan was to photograph the cars in slide and passing across the bridge.
How it went? Well judge for yourself.
And that concludes the day, and sadly for us the Croatian rally. We couldn't attend it on Sunday. Next years plan is to attend all days.
It was a blast, great rally that showcases beautiful nature and villages of Croatia. The organisation is superb and it shows, people from all around Europe came for visit (we talked to some finish dudes).
My suggestion, start planing for 2025. right now.
Rally on!